Monthly Newsletter – Insights into growth markets

19 June 2012 By Northern Lights

Monthly Newsletter – Insights into growth markets image

Update on Dubai

Northern Lights is now up and running in Dubai, with a trading licence and office address at the Fairmont.

We are helping our key client, Byrne Equipment Rental, to sell more to existing customers, increase their presence in oil and gas markets and establish them in setting up temporary work camps for construction and other industries.

We’ve been working with them for nearly three months. Our first focus was on improving their customer database systems and talking to customers about their long term needs. Their clients are really keen to buy more from Byrne, and the company is now increasing its stock to meet their needs, including DNV approved and Zone II equipment for onshore and offshore operations.

We’ve helped Byrne create a new division, Byrne Oilfield Rentals, set up an oil and gas group to share knowledge across the company and have produced an oil and gas brochure.

Graeme Clack, chief executive of Byrne, said: “We are pleased that this project is moving at a fast pace. There is no doubt that getting closer to our clients has already created a number of opportunities and the new oil and gas brochure demonstrates our expertise in and commitment to this sector.”


Where are the next emerging markets?

Travelling around, it has been interesting to see that Dubai is used as a base for many companies to expand their operations into Africa. No doubt there is a lot of talk about Africa being the next ‘big thing’, with Kenya being tipped as the front-runner.

We’ve certainly been asked to look at helping companies expand in Liberia, Senegal, Libya. There is also increasing talk about doing business in Iraq.

And having just been on a UKTI trade mission to Dubai and Abu Dhabi, for the rail industry, it was interesting to hear of significant opportunities in Turkey. They may just have reduced growth forecasts down to 4% but that’s not a figure that’s been discussed in the UK for many years.


Have you changed your LinkedIn password?

Did you hear that hackers have managed to get hold of 6.4m LinkedIn passwords. Supposedly LinkedIn has emailed everyone who they know to be affected. But even so it is probably a good idea to change your password, particularly if you use it on several accounts?


Events – is a heavyweight speaker key to success?

Recently we have come across several organisations postponing or cancelling events and conferences. In just one week we heard of six from very different sectors

It seems that events, both large and small, are struggling to reach viable numbers. No one sector is immune as the ones we know of are from private, public and voluntary organisations as well as professional bodies. Some of these events are free while others are charging an affordable delegate rate.

We’re taking three messages about the current conference and event markets

  • People are working harder than ever and are exhausted.Taking time off work to attend an event has to bring significant benefits eg learning new skills, new ways of working to make it worthwhile
  • A heavyweight keynote speaker is critical to attracting delegates – but ‘inspirational’ is not enough. Delegates want real insights and practical learning points from these top speakers
  • Perhaps it’s time to try a radical format for events and conferences. We have heard of one conference where it was free to hear the keynote speakers but a charge was made to attend short, useful training seminars


Chair of Disability Action Yorkshire tackles 24 hour mobility scooter challenge

We have been helping to publicise Martyn Weller’s 24 hour journey on a mobility scooter to highlight the everyday challenges facing people with disabilities.

Martyn, chair or Disability Action Yorkshire, will be travelling from the charity’s Harrogate headquarters to its new holiday lodge in Kenwick Park Estate, Louth, Lincolnshire on June 30 and July 1. He must average 5.2mph to complete the 125 mile journey – his scooter is flat out at just 8mp.

There is more information about Martyn’s challenge on Disability Action Yorkshire’s website and you can follow Martyn on Twitter @2012DaytoDay

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Written by Northern Lights