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Next-Up helps firms develop a partner retirement strategy that reflects their unique culture and situation, and helps implement retirement actions to maximise revenue/client retention, enable effective succession and ensure positive partner exits.

How can our consultancy help your business?


Retain clients and revenue

Ensure smooth practice handovers when partners leave


Happy leavers

Help partners clarify and achieve their retirement wishes and exit the firm positively


Reassure all partners

Comfort all partners about their future by how the firm treats retirees


Optimise alumni

Reinforce alumni as firm ambassadors and maximise connections


Help society

Utilise ‘win-win’ external roles to build partner skills for the firm and their future

What are the key features?



Unique solutions rooted in your needs, priorities, processes, aspirations and culture


Break through the firm’s (and individual’s) potential uncertainty, fear and procrastination over retirement

Expert consultants

Professional firm experts, steeped in partner retirement strategies and at the forefront of leading practice


Working in partnership with you, openly sharing our IP and developing your team

Embedding change

Creating buy-in, successful implementation and long-term cultural change


How does it work?

We partner with you to understand your firm, your business goals, your retirement issues and your aspirations.

We engage your key stakeholders, with your support, to obtain relevant data, seek views, test solutions, gain buy-in and embed long-term cultural change.

We discuss findings, best practice and potential solutions with you and help you to implement an agreed way forward, either alone or together.


"Next-Up’s experience and empathy with partners is vital in this sensitive stage of partnership. They adapt to meet differing needs, have an extensive and innovative variety of senior experts that they call on and, importantly, create belief and pace in partners to aid their retirement deliberations."

Patrick Connolly, Academy Director, Mishcon de Reya

Key Contacts

Barry Gipson

Next-Up Consultancy

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Michael Skapinker

Next-Up Consultancy

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Alison Eagle

Next-Up Consultancy

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Jonathan Blair

Next-Up Consultancy

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Trevor Hatton

Next-Up Consultancy

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