Northern Lights

North’s top business school opens ‘ethical’ trading room for Masters students

Bradford University School of Management has opened its own trading room for students doing MBAs and specialist finance MScs.  Not only will they be able to trade in real time without the risk of expensive mistakes but, in a first for Bradford, they will be given an insight into ethical dilemmas and the impact of North’s top business school opens ‘ethical’ trading room for Masters students

Montpellier Estates case against Leeds City Council for deceit in the procurement of an arena

Thursday 4 October 2012 is the start of the London High Court case brought by property investor and developer, Montpellier Estates against Leeds City Council for deceit in the procurement of an arena for the City.  The case is being heard by Justice Sir Michael Supperstone QC. The Council started a procurement process in August Montpellier Estates case against Leeds City Council for deceit in the procurement of an arena

Why B2B Can’t Ignore Blogging

At the end of 2011, there were: 181,000,000 blogs worldwide 18,700,000 million bloggers (6.7m on blogging websites, 12m using social networks) [source: Nielson] Everyone and his dog seems to have a blog (or web-log) nowadays! But while the B2C sector has picked up on consumer appetite for reading and sharing blogs, and has embraced blogging Why B2B Can’t Ignore Blogging

Innovative sound protection a first for Chesterfield College

Chesterfield College has become the first in education to install a new noise measurement device in their workshops.  The visual unit, manufactured by Pulsar Instruments plc, will enable safe teaching without ear protection but give immediate warnings when ear muffs must be worn. Paul Lowry, health and safety officer at Chesterfield College, said:  “Until now, Innovative sound protection a first for Chesterfield College

Three year success plan for university students to get a job – with networking and social media

As bright students start at university this week – will they start using social media professionally to help them get a job in three years’ time? Lisa Bachelor at the Guardian points out the importance of ‘soft skills’ or ‘employability skills’ which she says are becoming increasingly important to graduate recruiters:  “While hard skills refer Three year success plan for university students to get a job – with networking and social media

Leeds University Union encourages students to continue their work with local not-for-profit organisations

Thousands of undergraduates arriving to start their studies at the University of Leeds will be encouraged to join a growing band of student volunteers making a difference in local communities. Leeds University Union (LUU), is offering returning and new students more than 150 volunteering opportunities with charities and community projects in the city.   Last year Leeds University Union encourages students to continue their work with local not-for-profit organisations