Victoria Tomlinson
Online workshops – great success & our new podcast
Seven strategies to direct your unretirement

The phrase of this year has been ‘to pivot’ – along with ‘unprecedented’. And it struck me, pivoting is essentially what people have to do in unretirement. Change direction, try new things, be prepared for some to work and others not to (I am avoiding the word fail here – everything you try will help build a picture for the future).
Learn from the young when going for unretired roles!
City lawyers may struggle to come to terms with retirement

Next-Up is featured in The Times today (Thursday 10 September 2020) on the challenges of early retirement for partners in law firms. We can help partners vision a new future – in our two day workshops with accountants and lawfirms partners transform from being apprehensive and uncertain to 70% being excited about opportunities ahead.
If you are really serious about finding new roles …
The challenge of making partners/directors retired or redundant

COVID-19 has been the biggest challenge of our working lives. But its impact is only just starting. Firms and corporates are already looking at what next for our business. And inevitably many will be weighing up loyalty to their peers against the need to rethink business models and open up opportunities for younger generations.