
Personal branding in social media – what should tweets (and LinkedIn/blogs) say about you?

This week Simon Cowell has been tweeting pictures of himself with his new baby.  Are these tweets changing his personal brand? What have you tweeted in the last few weeks – and what is your twitter profile saying about you?  Have you thought about your online ‘brand’ and how you reflect this across all social Personal branding in social media – what should tweets (and LinkedIn/blogs) say about you?

Do professional firms need non-executive directors? How relevant is board governance to a firm?

Calum Lynch, is responsible for Grant Thornton’s Business Risk Services team outside of London.  He recently spoke at the Leeds Managing Partners’ Forum, discussing risk management in professional services firms.  This blog picks out some of the discussion areas from that presentation. Should your firm have an independent non-executive director? That was the question that Do professional firms need non-executive directors? How relevant is board governance to a firm?

Dubai Expo 2020 worth £24bn – what are the opportunities for businesses?

Northern Lights has been doing business in Dubai for nearly two years.  In November 2013, the Emirate was named host of 2020 World Expo, with the theme “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future”. Considering how British-friendly the UAE is it is surprising how little has been reported in the UK or world media about the opportunities Dubai Expo 2020 worth £24bn – what are the opportunities for businesses?