Digital PR

9 steps for successful podcasting

Podcasts are on the rise as a tool for businesses and organisations, and they can be a great way of delivering insights and drawing in clients or consumers to your brand or company. Listenership of podcasts has grown steadily in recent years with focusbiz quoting research from leading podcasting company RawVoice that shows the number 9 steps for successful podcasting

8 things Kim Kardashian teaches us about staying safe on social media

Kim Kardashian is famous for attempting to “break the internet” with a barrage of risqué images and by laying her life bare through social media and the hit show Keeping Up With The Kardashians. However, it wasn’t her world-famous anatomy that secured global media coverage this week, but a daring Paris hotel robbery that saw 8 things Kim Kardashian teaches us about staying safe on social media