Digital PR

Have you just graduated? Is your Facebook hindering or helping you to get a job?

Have you ever looked at your Facebook or Twitter profile as if you were an employer?  Would you recruit yourself? Jobhunting eBook on social media for students We have just written an eBook, From Student to Salary with Social Media, to help students use social media in their job hunting (link to book).  Employers say Have you just graduated? Is your Facebook hindering or helping you to get a job?

UCAS shows universities and businesses how to use Facebook for real customer engagement

A’ Level results are out.  Great excitement for some, disappointment for others – and uncertainty for large numbers.  Will their university of choice still accept them if they just missed a grade?  The hard work has started at both UCAS and in universities – answering thousands of queries and helping students through clearing.  Most businesses UCAS shows universities and businesses how to use Facebook for real customer engagement

Is your company at risk from your employees using social media?

This blog first appeared on the Chief Learning Officer Middle East – The Social Network Community for L & D and HR Professionals website Employers are in a dilemma.  How should they manage their employees’ use of social media? Many bosses are blocking access to Facebook and YouTube, thinking this will ‘protect’ their business.  Actually, Is your company at risk from your employees using social media?

Social media for Managing Partners – opportunities and threats

Social media for Managing Partners – opportunities and threats Earlier this month, we were invited to speak at the Yorkshire branch of the global Managing Partners’ Forum. What are the issues worrying heads of professional firms?  Where do they see the opportunities in social media? The aim of the forum is to bring professionals from Social media for Managing Partners – opportunities and threats

Entering your business for an award – 10 tips for getting PR

Recently I ran a PR and social media workshop in York for tourism businesses with Denise Howard OBE, director of Welcometraining.  All the participants were finalists in Visit York’s Tourism Awards. Entering and winning awards is a great way for businesses and organisations in any sector to achieve effective and low cost PR.  You can Entering your business for an award – 10 tips for getting PR

Open journalism – now you REALLY can’t ignore social media in business

At the beginning of March, the Guardian released its new TV advert. We’ve since used the YouTube clip of the ad in client meetings, workshops and LinkedIn discussions to help illustrate how the media landscape is changing – and show senior professionals why social media should be integrated into business strategy at the highest level. Open journalism – now you REALLY can’t ignore social media in business