Digital PR

Gaming the (social media) system – consensual spam or the way to generate business?

I have been struggling with one aspect of social media.  Is it a good thing to have thousands of followers – on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and so on? When I started out in social media I was quite clear in my own mind that the aim should be about forming meaningful relationships.  If the people Gaming the (social media) system – consensual spam or the way to generate business?

We need to add value to our website – Quick! Let’s add a news feed…

I have an ongoing love-hate relationship with accountants and accountancy firms that stretches back over 10 years. I’ve worked in software companies with products we marketed to accountants – Hyperion Solutions, Coda Group and IRIS Software – so of course I loved accountants in those days. As a freelance consultant, I’ve had to search the We need to add value to our website – Quick! Let’s add a news feed…

Who should Twitter – and why?

Stephen Fry has again set the debate going on who should Twitter and about what.  Yesterday he announced he is taking another (temporary) break to write his autobiography. Steve Davies (an online communications expert) has produced a list of all the journalists he could find using Twitter.  I’ve used the Christmas break to go through Who should Twitter – and why?