
Leaders are failing their PR teams – agencies and corporates alike

Over the years, I have trained communications teams and professionals in everything from internal and crisis comms to social media and presentation skills. I must have trained hundreds in the last few years – and gosh, what insights. My big conclusion?  Business leaders don’t talk business to their teams. And this means the quality of Leaders are failing their PR teams – agencies and corporates alike

How to write a winning award entry

This blog first appeared on PRCA Mena. I have been helping a number of clients to write award entries recently and noticed one area where everyone seems to have a block.  Passion and excitement over-rides results. It’s not that they don’t mention achievements at all, but they don’t link closely enough to what the client How to write a winning award entry

What are the lessons for communications professionals from the Bell Pottinger scandal?

The expulsion of Bell Pottinger from the PRCA looks like it will have grave consequences for the firm, and made the rest of the PR industry stop and think. The trade body has been clear; the company’s work with Oakbay Investments in South Africa has breached the PRCA professional charter and the public affairs and What are the lessons for communications professionals from the Bell Pottinger scandal?