
What are the lessons for communications professionals from the Bell Pottinger scandal?

The expulsion of Bell Pottinger from the PRCA looks like it will have grave consequences for the firm, and made the rest of the PR industry stop and think. The trade body has been clear; the company’s work with Oakbay Investments in South Africa has breached the PRCA professional charter and the public affairs and What are the lessons for communications professionals from the Bell Pottinger scandal?

9 steps for successful podcasting

Podcasts are on the rise as a tool for businesses and organisations, and they can be a great way of delivering insights and drawing in clients or consumers to your brand or company. Listenership of podcasts has grown steadily in recent years with focusbiz quoting research from leading podcasting company RawVoice that shows the number 9 steps for successful podcasting

How to moderate (facilitate) a panel of diverse cultures

Working in Dubai, perhaps now the global hub of conferences, you can see first hand the challenge of creating a great event with very diverse cultures and managing issues from language to presentation styles. For a moderator (or facilitator) it can be a nightmare.

A client rang me recently asking the best way to manage this variety. Here I share our conversation and moderator tips.

Why organisations should have a plan to engage with politicians

Too many organisations are often guilty of only engaging with elected representatives when things go wrong. We’ve all seen the headlines and cringed a bit at what’s gone on. And too many communications professionals make the same mistake – and aren’t equipped with the right knowledge or prefer not to get involved. But building a Why organisations should have a plan to engage with politicians