Public Relations

Making the most of silly season – managing your PR during summer holidays

The holiday season is upon us once again and that means it’s time for a swathe of “silly season” stories throughout the media. However, this can present significant opportunities for businesses to secure PR coverage and demonstrate their expertise. Here, Northern Lights’ communications director Ben Pindar shares his thoughts on how businesses can make the Making the most of silly season – managing your PR during summer holidays

Building social media into your stakeholder engagement strategy

Stakeholder engagement is considered by 82 per cent of senior communicators across Europe to be important to their organisation’s success, according to research by Brunswick Insight – and 90% expect the scope and scale of stakeholder engagement activities to increase dramatically over the next five years. But surprisingly, while most acknowledge the importance of strategic Building social media into your stakeholder engagement strategy

First steps for Twitter beginners

Well done! You are about to join the one billion Twitter users worldwide – thanks to Craig Smith for all these Twitter statistics. But why do you want to start tweeting? Probably like most newcomers you have no idea, because you don’t know the potential?!….

How to make great video clips for YouTube – 11 examples of the best and worst

Last week I spotted a great post by Lloyd Pearson on the PM Forum LinkedIn group (Professional Marketing) saying ‘A plea to Legal Marketers – please don’t do this’.   He linked to the video clip below, which he says ‘parodies the modern corporate advert: laden with clichés, stock images, buzzwords, and emptiness’.  If you cannot How to make great video clips for YouTube – 11 examples of the best and worst

Making the most of media relations

Northern Lights communications director Ben Pindar is a former journalist who has worked both at national and regional level. Here he shares his thoughts on how best to engage with the media. Legendary British publishing magnate Lord Northcliffe famously said: “News is what somebody somewhere wants to suppress – all the rest is advertising.” Speaking Making the most of media relations

Impact and the REF – and the role of social media for economic and social impact

What is academic research for?  As a REF manager recently said “This is not a question that academics have had to consider in the past.  Measuring impact is a completely new concept.” The rules of how the UK government funds research have changed.  The most money has always gone to top-ranked researchers, but as the Impact and the REF – and the role of social media for economic and social impact