The boardroom

Top 10 media training tips for expert women – and men – giving media interviews

  Mrs Moneypenny of the FT asked this weekend ‘are you an adept user of social media?’  Since most of the FT’s readers are boardroom directors, I would anticipate the answer to that question would not only be ‘no’ but more likely ‘you must be joking’. This is a major issue in the UK: senior Top 10 media training tips for expert women – and men – giving media interviews

Horse meat crisis part 2 – what about internal communications?

The horse meat crisis has now been running for a month. How time flies.

Back in January, this blog looked at how Tesco had responded to the initial scare and what a crisis communications plan should look like.

A question from a client made me realise the blog didn’t address internal communications, which of course is as critical as dealing with the outside world.

PR in the Boardroom

Peter Finnegan and Filiz Ozakinci are the Chartered Institute of PR’s student reps at Leeds Metropolitan University.  They attended a guest lecture on ‘PR in the Boardroom’ given by Northern Lights PR’s chief executive Victoria Tomlinson as part of an autumn lecture series celebrating 20 years of the PR degree at the university Northern Lights PR in the Boardroom

5 skills that make an FD an outstanding FD – new research from The Directorbank Group

We have spent the summer helping The Directorbank Group to carry out research into What makes an Outstanding FD? This has been done in association with Grant Thornton. When you mention the word ‘finance director’, many will have that old image of an accountant in the Monty Python sketch trying to tame a lion.   Forget 5 skills that make an FD an outstanding FD – new research from The Directorbank Group