The boardroom
Horse meat crisis part 2 – what about internal communications?
The horse meat crisis has now been running for a month. How time flies.
Back in January, this blog looked at how Tesco had responded to the initial scare and what a crisis communications plan should look like.
A question from a client made me realise the blog didn’t address internal communications, which of course is as critical as dealing with the outside world.
The City should listen to their communications teams
Many would say that the City of London’s reputation came out of the insurance market where a handshake was a gentleman’s pledge to honour the deal. Across the world, the British are known for our honesty and decency – it is a distinctive brand that helps to win contracts overseas, particularly in the Middle East … The City should listen to their communications teams
How to ensure your chief exec avoids a ‘Jimmy Carr’
Last week the media was in the midst of a tax avoidance frenzy, with comedian Jimmy Carr the focus of the tirade. While the headlines were about the tax issues, ‘stars who avoid tax are no better than benefit cheats’, the story began because Jimmy Carr was caught doing exactly what he had slated … How to ensure your chief exec avoids a ‘Jimmy Carr’
Is football holding women back from the UK’s boards?
This blog also appeared on The Huffington Post. Last week a handful of men experienced, at first hand, what it is like to be outnumbered at senior levels. The Women’s Business Forum attracted more than 420 high powered delegates from the UK and America. Of these just 13% were men. According to the Davies Report, … Is football holding women back from the UK’s boards?
Is BP on the right track to change its diversity and culture?
“If you have two people who think alike, one is unnecessary” What a great quote! Linda Emery, Talent and Diversity Director at BP referred to this when I met her recently, following up on Bob Dudley’s invitation at the CBI Conference. In October I wrote a blog on the conference, “Bob Dudley, new group chief … Is BP on the right track to change its diversity and culture?
PR in the Boardroom
Peter Finnegan and Filiz Ozakinci are the Chartered Institute of PR’s student reps at Leeds Metropolitan University. They attended a guest lecture on ‘PR in the Boardroom’ given by Northern Lights PR’s chief executive Victoria Tomlinson as part of an autumn lecture series celebrating 20 years of the PR degree at the university Northern Lights … PR in the Boardroom
5 skills that make an FD an outstanding FD – new research from The Directorbank Group
We have spent the summer helping The Directorbank Group to carry out research into What makes an Outstanding FD? This has been done in association with Grant Thornton. When you mention the word ‘finance director’, many will have that old image of an accountant in the Monty Python sketch trying to tame a lion. Forget … 5 skills that make an FD an outstanding FD – new research from The Directorbank Group
The recession is kind to good businesses – and cruel to the poor ones. What can you do in a recession to be great?
René Carayol was the inspiration at this year’s Yorkshire International Business Convention (YIBC). The headlines were all about Brian Blessed – and you have to admire the fact that this famous actor climbed Mounts Everest and Ararat in his 60s and 70s. But I felt like the little boy with the Emperor’s clothes – was … The recession is kind to good businesses – and cruel to the poor ones. What can you do in a recession to be great?