Five reasons why The Apprentice does not remotely represent business – and five places where it does

I am writing this blog as the titles roll at the end of the second  BBC The Apprentice.  And probably like most business people across the country, despairing of this as any kind of representation of business. Where does it go so badly wrong? 1. Who would go into business with people you don’t know Five reasons why The Apprentice does not remotely represent business – and five places where it does

The recession is kind to good businesses – and cruel to the poor ones. What can you do in a recession to be great?

René Carayol was the inspiration at this year’s Yorkshire International Business Convention (YIBC). The headlines were all about Brian Blessed – and you have to admire the fact that this famous actor climbed Mounts Everest and Ararat in his 60s and 70s.  But I felt like the little boy with the Emperor’s clothes – was The recession is kind to good businesses – and cruel to the poor ones. What can you do in a recession to be great?