
Five forms of social media anxiety – and what to do about them

Catherine Manthorpe works at the University of Hertfordshire and has been exploring how academics use social media to support their research.  She has noticed that there is a broad divide between those that have enthusiastically embraced social media and those that view the prospect with varying degrees of alarm.  Scratching the surface a bit more Five forms of social media anxiety – and what to do about them

Impact and the REF – and the role of social media for economic and social impact

What is academic research for?  As a REF manager recently said “This is not a question that academics have had to consider in the past.  Measuring impact is a completely new concept.” The rules of how the UK government funds research have changed.  The most money has always gone to top-ranked researchers, but as the Impact and the REF – and the role of social media for economic and social impact

Social media and REF score: how universities are helping academics to increase engagement

The Guardian recently highlighted how public engagement for universities is changing. Engagement as a two-way process is now a necessary part of university research and the publication of academic work. But for many academics and researchers, it involves a big culture shift. Moving from a culture of ownership and protection of ideas, to one where Social media and REF score: how universities are helping academics to increase engagement